Saturday, May 28, 2011

Begging for comments from you!

Below are some questions we'd love to have you answer for us. We want to share not only our own experiences, but also yours. I truly believe that by getting lots of feedback, we can show just how unique each homeschool experience is. I've gotten some feedback already which we will talk about in the podcast we record this weekend, but would love more. You can comment on this post or you can email us at

We really appreciate your feedback!
Jeff & Lea

1. Why do you homeschool? Bad public school, religious reasons, health issues, etc...

2. What does your typical day look like? We know that each of our school days are unique. We'd like to share examples from you all on what your day is like.

3. What are some "stereotypes" about homeschooling that you have encountered? We've had some unusual ones mentioned to us recently so we'd like to know what ones you've heard.

4. Are you part of a co-op or homeschool group? Do you find it beneficial or over-rated?

5. What are the pros & cons of homeschooling in your eyes? Do you try to convince others that homeschooling is the way to go?

6. What kind of curriculum do you use? Do you use traditional, unit studies, all-in-one or mix & match, computer, dvd, none, etc.... What homeschool method do you use? Classical, Charlotte Mason, unit studies, unschooling, a mix??

7. Is there anything else you'd like for us to do an episode on?

Thanks so much for listening to our podcasts & for taking the time to give us some feedback about the above topics!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Podcast #11

Below are our notes for podcast #11. This was recorded shortly after episode #10. But it got deleted but thanks to Mozy & Dropbox, Jeff was able to find a copy of it & get it restored & edited. Enjoy!

Update on Us  - comparing ourselves to other homeschoolers. Is there a typical homeschooler? Is there a typical homeschool? Being Unique! And why do I always feel inadequate?

homeschoolers & technology & convention - lack of technology? Why?

Skip maybe - Hospital adventure - Jamie’s virus that settle in her lungs. Nurses/Dr’s told her she should be nurse b/c she was so interested in everything they did to her & had to know details about everything.

Math/school struggles with the boy. thinks he can’t do it & freezes up but he can. Does it with reading too. Convention - between math sessions & sessions with Hal & Melanie Young, we’ve decided to stop “formal math” & go with Time, money & measuring until his brain is ready for addition/subtraction.

Homeschool in News The homeschooling movement continues to gain momentum as home-educated students and graduates demonstrate success academically and socially. - Education Department officials are threatening school principals with lawsuits if they fail to monitor and curb students’ lunchtime chat and evening Facebook time for expressing ideas and words that are deemed by Washington special-interest groups to be harassment of some students.'s_role_/ Presidental canidates told homeschooler’s government need to not interfere with education.

Homeschool Conventions list of homeschool conventions another list of homeschool conventions

How to contact us
Website -

New blog -

Email -

Twitter -

Phone -  (661) SCH-OOLH - (that's (661) 724-6654)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. This week my parents took me out to lunch & gave me a Teacher Appreciation card thanking me for educating their grandchildren. It meant the world to me.

I know some of you don't have that kind of support, so I just want to tell all of you homeschool teachers that I appreciate you & so do your kids. You are doing one of the hardest jobs in the world. Not only are you parenting your kids, you are also their teachers!

As a homeschool teacher, you give up a lot of things. You give up any time off. You give up having a neat house. You give up a 2nd income. You give up "me" time.

But, you gain so much more. You gain the satisfaction of knowing your kids are getting the best education for them. You gain getting to "know" your kids. You gain getting to see your kids succeed & follow their passions without being interrupted by "school". You gain family time.

So, to all you homeschool teachers, I say thank you! You are training up the future leaders of our communities, our country & our world! Thank you for taking the time to make a difference. Thank you for investing in your own children! You are making a difference! You are the BEST teachers your children could have!